Monday, 5 December 2011

Panels sharing capability

Bring 'social media' to the panels? The panels could give the option to leave comments on the items, this would provide customer interaction? They would then be able to communicate with one another in store, which was requested in the brief. 

There could be a comment box on the panel allowing them to input the comment on specific items, using their app profile (as this information would be exchanged when connecting mobile device with panel) as their user name, their app profile will the be synced up to all social media networks they have added and appear on their Facebook, Twitter, etc and also be on the panels in store to let users communicate with one another rather than solely their friends (they might not have any!) (This service could be deactivated via settings if they want to communicate only with friends).

There would obviously be the risk of people leaving offensive comments but in that case it would be monitored the same as any social network site and they would either have their account disabled or blocked for a certain amount of time. If people have to spend the time uploading the app and it is interlaced with all of their social networking sites, they are less likely to do such a thing. 

This would be a good way to get a unbiased opinion of the items in store and also leave you opinions and customers would feel that they are part of something- expanding on store loyalty. 

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