Monday, 5 December 2011

Human- computer interaction

This is a valuable talk on human computer interaction, giving further explanation and advice on how to compose and execute the design of the app and the reasoning behind it.

More informative slides to further understand the process of human interaction.

Human Computer Interaction, Third Edition, Dix Finley, Abowd Beale

The homepage

These slides are from Chapter 19's powerpoint presentation. 

Real foyer: Large screen, camera
See virtual world on screen

Virtual world: Representation of web
See real foyer on virtual screen 

Combine the real and virtual world within store and vice versa?

Inside looking out? 

Perhaps suggest that for gameification you could have a character in an augmented reality to add to the virtual world created through the app and user experience. 
There will be avatars already through the use of the 3D scanning, all that is needed is a virtual shop or area for these avatars to perhaps shop together while in house, they could still experience a group shopping experience with their friends and gather points together, it would be like a game (where people spend money on virtual nothings anyways) where they can buy clothes? The novelty would still be in the store as they could meet up and use the panels which i think is appealing to many people. Although in this day and age, many people are too busy to make the effort to go out and meet their friends and travel, this could be an alternative way to shop with friends through the use of the avatars in a shopping environment. 

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